The Audition for West Australian Ballet Youth Ensemble has been successfully held today. Here is the list of the selected dancers:
Junior Category
Senior Category
Audisi Terbuka
Untuk penari muda berbakat
West Australian Ballet dan Ballet.id mempersembahkan kesempatan langka untuk penari muda berbakat untuk terlibat dalam karya tari baru yang akan ditampilkan dalam pementasan West Australian Ballet di Teater Jakarta, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Sabtu 6 Agustus dan Minggu 7 Agustus 2016. Ini adalah kesempatanmu untuk berlatih dan tampil bersama West Australian Ballet! Partisipasi dalam Youth Ensemble ini gratis bagi yang terpilih, dengan dukungan dari Kedutaan Besar Australia!
Peserta dapat mengikuti dua grup audisi:
- Junior Youth Ensemble: Berumur 11-15 tahun
- Senior Youth Ensemble: Berumur 16 ke atas
1. Syarat
Junior Youth Ensemble
- Warga Negara Indonesia
- Berumur minimum 11-15 tahun di tahun 2016
- Minimum berada di level RAD Intermediate Foundation atau Vaganova level 3 atau setara
Senior Youth Ensemble
- Warga Negara Indonesia
- Berumur minimum 16 tahun di tahun 2016
- Minimum berada di level RAD Advanced Foundation atau Vaganova level 5 atau setara
2. Tanggal Penting
- Pendaftaran dibuka dari Kamis 19 Mei 2016
- DEADLINE PENDAFTARAN: Kamis 2 Juni 2016 pk 17:00
- Pemberitahuan bagi yang diterima untuk audisi: Selasa 7 Juni 2016
- Audisi: Minggu 19 Juni 2016 di Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta Pusat
3. Jadwal Latihan
Peserta yang lolos audisi wajib menghadiri SELURUH jadwal latihan dan pementasan sbb:
Jadwal kemungkinan dapat berubah
Latihan bersifat tertutup, hanya anggota YE dan panitia resmi yang dapat masuk ke tempat latihan.
4. Proses Pendaftaran
- Melakukan pendaftaran awal melalui web di sini
- Mendownload formulir dan menulis esai (download formulir esai di sini). Beri nama dokumen "<Nama Lengkapmu>-Esai.docx"
- Melakukan pembayaran biaya registrasi sejumlah Rp 75,000 ke rekening BCA 7310-28-48-28 (a/n Meutia Chaerani) dan scan / foto bukti transfernya.
- Mengirimkan seluruh kelengkapan pendaftaran SEBELUM 2 JUNI pk 17:00 melalui email info@ballet.id dengan subjek email “WAB-Youth <nama lengkapmu>”, yaitu:
- Scan akte kelahiran atau paspor atau KTP,
- Scan ijazah atau raport balet terakhirmu,
- Scan bukti transfer,
- Formulir esai yang sudah diisi
5. Setelah Pendaftaran
- Panitia akan menilai dan meranking registrasimu.
- Kriteria penilaian adalah berdasarkan kualitas CV biodata, esai, sertifikat, dan prestasi di bidang tari.
- Apabila penilaian untuk registrasimu masuk dalam ranking quota audisi, Panitia akan mengirimkan konfirmasi dan nomor untuk mengikuti audisi serta jadwal detail audisi. Email konfirmasi akan dikirimkan paling lambat 7 Juni 2016.
- Audisi akan berupa kelas balet biasa yang dilaksanakan dan dinilai oleh West Australian Ballet. Peserta audisi tidak perlu melakukan persiapan khusus, tetapi peserta diharapkan sudah melakukan pemanasan sebelum audisi dimulai.
- Audisi bersifat tertutup, selain peserta audisi dan panitia dilarang masuk ke tempat audisi.
6. Setelah Lolos Audisi | After Passing the Audition
- Panitia akan mengumumkan kelolosan audisi untuk bergabung dengan Youth Ensemble (YE) melalui website dan media sosial Ballet.id paling lambat tanggal 20 Juni 2016 pk 06:00 WIB.
- Panitia juga akan mengirimkan kontrak kepada anggota YE terpilih melalui email yang wajib dicetak 2x dan ditandatangani di atas materai dan dikembalikan dalam jangka waktu yang ditentukan. Apabila anggota YE berumur minimal 18 tahun maka ia bisa menandatangi kontrak sendiri, dan di bawah usia 18 tahun kontrak harus ditanda tangani oleh orangtua / wali.
Open Auditions
For young dance talents
West Australian Ballet and Ballet.id have an exciting opportunity for young dancers to be involved in the creation of a new dance work to be performed alongside West Australian Ballet’s performance at Jakarta Theatre, Taman Ismail Marzuki on Saturday 6 & Sunday 7 August 2016. This is your chance to experience rehearsing and performing with West Australian Ballet! The youth ensemble is free of charge for the selected dancers, thanks to the support of the Australian Embassy!
Participants may audition for a place in one of two groups:
- Junior Youth Ensemble: Ages 11-15 years.
- Senior Youth Ensemble: Ages 16 years and above.
1. Requirements
Junior Youth Ensemble
- Indonesian Citizen
- Must be turning minimum 11 and up to 15 year old in 2016.
- Minimum in the level RAD Intermediate Foundation level or Vaganova level 3 equivalent
Senior Youth Ensemble
- Indonesian Citizen
- Must be turning minimum 16 year old in 2016.
- Minimum in the RAD Advanced Foundation level or Vaganova level 5 or equivalent
2. Important Dates
- Registration opens from Thursday 19 May 2016
- APPLICATION DEADLINE: Thursday 2 June 2016 at 17:00
- Notification of acceptance for audition: Tuesday 7 June 2016
- Audition: Sunday 19 June 2016 in Taman Ismail Marzuki,Central Jkt
3. Rehearsal Schedule
Successful candidates will be required to attend ALL rehearsals and performances on the following:
Please note, all times are subject to change.
Rehearsal sessions are closed to the public, only YE members and official committee members may enter rehearsal venue.
4. Application Process
- Complete the online registration here.
- Download essay form and write the essay (download essay form here). Name the document "<Your Full Name>-Esai.docx"
- Do payment of IDR 75,000 by bank transfer to BCA account 7310-28-48-28 (Meutia Chaerani) and scan/photograph the proof of transfer
- Send email to info@ballet.id BEFORE THURSDAY 2 JUNE at 17:00 GMT+8 with the subject "WAB Youth <Your Full Name>" and attach:
- Scan of birth certificate or passport or ID card,
- Scan of last ballet certificate and report,
- Scan proof of payment transfer,
- Essay form which has been filled out
5. After Registration
- The committee will score and rank your registration
- The scoring criteria is based on the quality of biodata CV, essay, certificate, and achievements.
- If your registration score fit into the rank within the available audition quota, the committee will send confirmation email with audition number. The confirmation email will be sent at the latest on 7 June 2016.
- The Audition will be in the form of normal ballet class which is conducted and judged by West Australian Ballet. Audition participant do not need to have a special preparation, however participants are expected to be warm before the audition class begins.
- Audition is closed to the public, only audition participants and committee members may be present in audition venue.
6. After Passing the Audition
- The committee will announce audition result for Youth Ensemble (YE) through website and social media of Ballet.id at the latest 20 June 2016 at 06:00 GMT+8.
- The committee will send the contract to YE dancer by email, which must be printed, signed on the affixed stamp duty, and returned within the stipulated timeframe. If YE member is 18 year-old or older, he/she may sign his/her contract, else his/her parents or guardian needs to sign the contract on his/her behalf.