About the Competition

AGP2019 Master Class
Ballet Master Class during AGP Regional JKT conducted by Asian Grand Prix juries!
For those who are not competing this year, you still can get a slice of AGP experience with Master Class for Public!
And for teachers and parents, you are invited to observe the master class.
Register and secure your place now! Its OPEN for ALL!
Limited spots available, you better hurry!

Wanna feel the hype and excitement at the competition?
Wanna observe the classes?
Watch and support your favorite dancers!
Tickets sales now available..
Asian Grand Prix Regional Competition 2019 – Jakarta, Indonesia
mau minta info…. anak saya peserta agp…kalo dia mau ikut master class yg untuk umum … apakah boleh? thanks
Hallo. Kami tidak sarankan. Karena anaknya kan sudah ikut kompetisi, dan sudah dapat master class juga di sesi ” agp participants class”. Lebih baik waktunya di pergunakan anaknya untuk istirahat dan siap2 untuk variation di esok harinya..
mau nanya, kalo masterclass untuk umum (bukan peserta kompetisi) masih bisa daftar ga ya? registrasinya dimana?